Join our Community

There are so many ways to help.
Fill out this form to let us know how you’d like to participate.

Contact us:
City Clerk: (785)449-2621


Donations can be mailed to:
PO Box 215
Eskridge, KS 66423

Or, completed online at:
The Kansas Rural Communties Foundation
*Be sure to select Eskridge Park Fund


Memorial Donations

Please fill out the forms below and submit to begin the process of donating a Memorial Tree or Bench to the Park.

A Memorial Tree will be roughly 1-2” in diameter, and 6-8’ in height, depending on species. Donations can occur at any time but we will plant in early Spring or Fall to ensure proper rooting and growth. Each tree will be listed permanently on the Memorial Tree Registry on this website and planted with an honorary dedication plaque. Memorial Trees begin at $250 and up, depending on the selected species.

Memorial Benches will be in line with the aesthetic final design of the Park. Benches may be purchased once yearly or during Park improvements in which particular bench placements are poured. Benches will also have a commemorative dedication plaque. Benches start at a $1000 donation.

To learn more: visit the Memorial Program Webpage.

To begin the process now, please fill out the form below.